If you are involved in a family law dispute, it is only natural to dread going to court, which can be a substantial investment of time and money. In Colorado, all family law cases are required to go through mediation before going to a contested hearing in front of a judge. Our firm has extensive experience in family law mediation, and we are here to help families navigate this process successfully. 

What Is Mediation?

Mediation is a process designed to promote compromise in order to resolve a dispute. Mediation is an important step, prior to litigation, that gives the parties an opportunity to create an agreement that works best for them. Unlike litigation, which requires you to argue your case before a judge, mediation takes place in a low-stress environment with or without counsel. The process is confidential, and the overall goal is to resolve the conflict in a way that satisfies both parties.

What Is A Parental Coordinator /Decision Maker?

A Parental Coordinator/ Decision Maker or PCDM is an neutral third party that helps resolve disputes between parties over parental responsibilities. This person is qualified and trained to assist in developing guidelines for parental plans, communication and providing resources for parents.

Benefits of Mediation

Mediation is an important step in any family law case. Mediation is less expensive than going to a contested court hearing and mediation allows the parties to control the outcome of their case. It is important to remember that Judges are given very little time to understand you and your family and will never know the issues as intimately and accurately as you do. Mediation empowers both parties to reach compromise and create agreements that are mutually beneficial. Mediation often results in the parties moving forward with less resentment towards the other party and, therefore, healthier ongoing relationships. 

How it Works

The mediation process begins with the mediator explaining the steps involved and the expectations for each party. This meeting may be conducted jointly or separately. The mediator may then facilitate a face-to-face discussion between the parties, or they may go back and forth between parties to promote a compromise. 

Once an agreement has been reached, the mediator will aid the parties in creating a written memorandum of their agreement. The document created during mediation will describe, in detail, the parties’ agreements including the parties rights and responsibilities. The parties will be able to rely on this document as both a guide and a contract in their relationship moving forward. Once this document has been signed by all parties and filed with the court, it becomes an order of the court and will be legally enforceable.

Our Mediation Services 

The attorneys at Opfer | Campbell | Beck P.C. offer mediation in all family law cases, including child custody, separation, divorce, and post-decree issues. Please see our mediation attorney for more information about their practice and expertise in family law matters.

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